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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wow, I Feel Stupid.

Alright, I've already been out of school for too long. Yesterday's blog title was "Tuesday". It was posted when it was Wednesday morning, at least for me. Let's just pretend I did that on purpose to be ironic, like a hipster.

This Friday starts the air show in town, but man it is going to be way too hot as usual.  Luckily my house is pretty near the airport where it takes place so I can usually sit in my backyard and see a few planes go by so thats pretty cool.

I don't know how many of you noticed that had been redirecting to, but recently Activision filed a complaint and tried to gain ownership of the webiste.  Activision doesn't own it yet, but now it just loads to an error screen instead of redirecting you.
And one final thing, heres my guitar that I'll be editing in case some of you never saw the picture to begin with or forgot what it looked like.

~Trying to make sure I get the days correct now,


  1. very nice guitar, gryt. how long have you been playing?

  2. whoa! you have some mindblowing stuff in here, as always! good job!

  3. Wow, both of our posts have guitars in them! :D

  4. @Mike: Coming up on 4 almost 5 years now
    @My day: Haha, I know right thats awesome

  5. Don't feel bad, I mess up what day it is sometimes too.

  6. Nice guitar! Doe you play well? Maybe you could upload some songs?

  7. Slick guitar. I'm with Nobel Sloth, post some of the stuff you do in garage band you were talking about?

  8. Yeah, I think I will. I started to upload some garage band stuff to youtube a while ago so I'll include some stuff tomorrow I think

  9. I don't even know what day it is right now. good post though, ill be checkin back

  10. I own a guitar myself "] I have a Dean "].

  11. I heard something about the redirecting, anyways thats a cool guitar.

  12. battlefield3 is gonna destroy MW3 in terms of gameplay and overall fun but probably not in sales due to fanboys

  13. @Devour, I love Dean guitars
    @Pompous, thanks!
    @Al3xa, thanks!
    @Destruhction, I'm getting both, but we'll see how long MW3 stays with me. MW3 is going to keep me busy while I attempt to convince my friends to buy battefield 3

  14. I don't think you could ever find a sweeter sound than that of a Fender guitar being played in the correct hands...

  15. very cool guitar!! fenders are always a good choice

  16. Love the colours on the guitar.

  17. I mix up my days as well, no big deal

  18. i always wanted to know how i could play guitar..... but the lazyness :/
    nice blog :D

  19. If you wanna be cool and hip, you have to name it thursday. That way it's obvious, that you're ahead of your time and don't live in the past. :)
    Don't know anything about quitars, but it looks nice.. I guess.

  20. Btw this font is pretty bad. It's all caps and hard to read in general.

  21. Nice guitar! I don't know that much about guitars but that one looks good.

  22. ahahah you made me lol in the first sentence xD and for that I will reward you (:

  23. That is one sexy guitar. I always lose track of what day it is myself, and what month, and occasionally, even what year O_O

  24. lucky man with a guitar like that. i've been meaning to ask, what type of music do you play? i'd like to check out your band if you have anything up online.
