Chitika Leaderboard

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Failure to Launch

Well, as you can see I built the pedal. Unfortunately it doesn't work.  I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet, I might scrap the entire inside and try a different design.

Tonight I'm going to see the Crew vs Newcastle so I'm really excited for that, and my seats are awesome.

EDIT: An interesting fact, several of the players on Newcastle were denied Visas to come to the US for various reasons.

Going back outside to work on my pedal again,


  1. That is one awesome looking piece of equipment there! Have fun!

  2. Good luck getting the pedal working, and good luck in not getting into a riot :P

  3. @Mark, hopefully its a nice clean game and there aren't any riots at the end. That reminds me, and I'll add it to the main post, a lot of newcastle players were denied Visa's to the US for various reasons lol.

  4. Why didn't it work?

  5. America is crazy on their immigration restrictions, any criminal record and your denied, same with Aus actually :| Harsh times! Great post and hope you get the pedal problem sorted, im useless with tech so can't offer any advice

  6. hahaha wtf, why would you deny those guys their visas? Please post a game report :)

  7. Did the Newcastle guys forget ot bring beer?

  8. To be honest, the US authorities have probably made the right move by not letting Joey Barton loose in their country.

  9. fix that pedal! good to see some ingenuity at least, keep up the good work. long clicked btw $$$

  10. dude, it would be awesome if you can actually finish this work. good luck, keep it up :)

  11. Well at least it looks badass for the time being. Hope you figure it out

  12. it looks cute but i have no idea what a "pedal" is

  13. you built that? looks difficult, good luck getting it to work!

  14. I hate it when stuff doesn't work the first time, then it takes twice as long to go back and troubleshoot everything. Good luck if you decide to try and fix it.

  15. Hopefully you might be able to salvage it for something else.

  16. I don't know if this will be a double poster not, I got a 404 error when I clicked "Post Comment" before.

    But yeah, I can personally attest to the stupidity of the United States visa process. My fiancée and I have been having a really rough time being able to get her and the kids to be able to visit the States. It's been about four years now....

  17. Man good luck having to work on that pedal to work. I on the other give up when I know that it won't work and it actually never did the first time.

  18. dont scrap it until you know its done for!

    and have fun at the game :D

  19. good luck with the pedal. dont give up
