Well, as expected the levy did not pass. Was kind of a bummer, but that just means that the school board will put it back up in the spring, and I will be back out there with more friends and more signs. It was sort of close, 54% of votes being against the levy, so maybe in the spring some hearts will have changed. The real disappointment is that this was the first time the school had asked for more money in like 7 years.
Its me, in the next few weeks |
Is anyone still going strong in No-Shave-November? I am, but I'm sort of afraid that my beard will take over my body by the end of November. Still no word from Microsoft for when my account will be back online, so I went ahead and made another account to exploit the free month of Gold they give you if you sign up through a console. The rest of this week will have 0 productivity as I sit in the dark playing MW3 online so I can start my "main" gamertag with a snazzy looking Kill/Death ratio.
Hoping it doesn't snow tomorrow,
PS: Saw this cool little make 1 cent per click link thing on
Bart's blog, so I've gone ahead and added it to my signature^ so every blog post from now on my name will be in pretty colors, and also possibly making me pennies at a time.